I have...

Cryostasis Steam key.

I want...

60eur Paypal/Steam wallet.
30 TF2 keys / TF2 Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys.

I don't accept anything else for it.

You must pay first. You can negotiate for the price, but don't send me low offers. If no one buys I'll reduce the price, though prices may be outdated as I rarely update this trade post.

4 years ago*


I would like you to buy a "Cryostasis" game.

Could you please add me on steam for discussions?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


3 years ago

Hello, I readded you as friend. I reconsidered it and agree with your offer.

3 years ago

added back 😊

3 years ago

Added for trade

3 years ago

Closed 2 years ago.