Basically Jovus contacted me and told me that there was some friend who wanted to add me but couldn't and provided me with what looked like a steam URL except that if you pay close attention you'll see that it's off.

steam community ID addresses should look like

instead it looked like this

Anyway it allowed someone in the Netherlands to hack my account. I managed to get it back after a few minutes but you guys should keep on watch for this.

Please BUMP this unless it's old news and I just fell for something that everyone knew about

*JOVUS is innocent btw.

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

I clicked on that and was able to read the email about someone trying to access my account. I changed my password asap. Be careful peeps. BUMP.

1 decade ago

As above. Contacted by tyler9754 (
Chat msg: tyler9754: Hey, My friend cant add you(steam error), Add him for talk, he is interest for trade :

EDIT: I was contacted by tyler9754 shortly after with warning saying he was hacked himself. Looks he is another wictim? Any more info welcome.

1 decade ago

yep, I was hacked, fell for it as well.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.