I have...

Edge of Twilight – Return To Glory
Shelter 2

I want...

Paypal - 10€

7 years ago*

Suggest you get enhanced steam to get a better sense of game values.

7 years ago

He know he got it in a groupee bundle but wants to make monie xD

7 years ago

Never understood the thought process. Its like the guy selling Warhammer with neg rep who won't respect rep and go first. Why are you even on this site at all then. You know people call out sketchy threads , scams and overall bs.

7 years ago

I have these debates with many of my trader friends most likely on daily basis, without implementation of a system like steamgifts where you cant get in without having good amount of games etc, steamtrades is now a target for scammers and bullshit, many dumb people have entered st made them target for scammers + people who want to snatch monie, st is just a business now. its not a proper trading plateform anymore.

A year ago we didnt traded like this because sites like g2a/kinguin didnt gained much populrity, but now its a different game. Times change and we move on with it

7 years ago

Idk I don't mind it too much. For me trading has always been the same pretty much regardless of the site. Have some spares , offer them for other spares. Trade and have fun. Never understood the mindset of "got this game in a bundle but going to pretend its full retail value even though every other trader in the planet knows its value. Its like they think they are the only ones who bought the bundle!

7 years ago

75% of steam userbase dont even know about bundles. I didnt too when i first bought my games, then accidently got introduced to steamgifts, that user base is attracted to shady sites because of their advertisement and promotions and lower price than steam store, its fast selling and its cash rather than other games or even csgo keys. so why not make some monie :)

7 years ago

No scam, just key win in some contest or gift from friend :) you don't have to pay you can just trade for battlerite so please go away with your no sense comment :)

7 years ago

We weren't talking about yours specifically being a scam. We where talking about how those games are VERY cheap compared to Battlerite and how even all 3 is nowhere near a good trade for Battlerite.

Doesn't matter if you bought it full price , or had it gifted or bought it in a bundle. Their values are negligible in comparison to Battlerite's value since it hasn't been bundled yet like your 3 games have.

But ya. You are right. What do I know right! Me and my silly "no sense comment's".

7 years ago

The value of a game is personal and this is the good thing about steamtrade, i can give a higher value than the market for a specific game or, simply, if a game that i desire it's on 15€ on steam.. i can buy it here for 10€. Can i get a better price? maybe yes but this is not the point :)
anyway, all the games cost 15€ on steam, battlerite 20€ so it's not very cheap.

7 years ago*

It sure is personal. Even if its crazy. The point of steamtrades is to get the most value out of your trades. You don't see people advertising expensive non bundled games asking for cheap bundle games do you? If so , please direct me to their threads.

You will find out eventually how it all actually works and not your perceived notions of trading.

Btw a quick fyi. No one here follows retail store values at all. Its the cornerstone of trading pretty much. Why would they when so many other places or people offer it much cheaper.

Enhanced Steam is what we all use. I suggest googling it and doing some research to better acquaint yourself with game values and the reasons behind them.

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.