I have...

My list of games: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/wkcfm/h-70-games-w-games-keys-cards-ref

CS:GO keys (NOTE: If I buy them from the market I will have to wait 7 days to do the trade. If you want to trade immediately I can figure something out)


I want...

Dead Effect 2 - 9 cards / $0.50 PayPal

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - 6.25 CS:GO keys / $12.50 PayPal

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY - 4 CS:GO keys / $8 PayPal

Portal - 1 CS:GO key / $2 PayPal

I will go first with keys if my rep is lower. I will not go first with PayPal unless your rep is very high. Feel free to make a reasonable offer if you have something I want but don't agree with the price.

6 years ago*

I have Hacknet if you want it for a key, but you should probably mention if you want it only as Gift Link.

if you're fine with an unrevealed Steam key, then feel free. you can use barter if you want too.

6 years ago

I'm fine with a steam key, sent offer on barter.

6 years ago*

I will add you then.

6 years ago

i have portal if youre still interested

6 years ago

Diablo 3 Gift (not codes) for 10keys?

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.