Ever since this series got deleted from steam and pretty much everywhere else, I got at least 15 people randomly adding me for it out of no where. I\'d assume there aren\'t many other gifts from this particular game in Steam trading, if any, hence I got the idea to auction it. Current offers are as follows:

$95 (previously $75)


2 buds

30 euro

I might post identities to all the current bidders so that they don\'t seem as fake bids. I have to ask them for permission though, when I catch them online.

If you are a collector and want this game for your steam library or inventory, please leave an offer.

Serious buyers only, please.

Good luck bidding.

1 decade ago*

dr2 complete pack + civ 5 + civ 4 goty + amnesia + batman arkham city + Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - GOTY + Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack + 12 dota 2s my offer now i should be at the top :)

1 decade ago

Technically not really, since my $90 (already $95 actually) offer is in plain cash from trustable people :)

1 decade ago

all those plus 30 paypal

1 decade ago

When will the auction be over?

1 decade ago

When the rest of the bidders give up and remain only one xD

1 decade ago

why is this game so valuable u can buy the game at the shops for like 30 dollers and activate it on steam also its 2 years old

1 decade ago

its mainly for collectors

1 decade ago

Keys for it are not steam, so invalid opinion here :)

1 decade ago

achally these days most games made after 2009 either go through steam windows live or ea store 70 % are stesm

1 decade ago

Well, no. It's not listed anywhere as a steam redeemable key and I haven't heard anyone activating it on steam via a retail key. If you don't trust and my price is high, buy it and test it yourself :)

1 decade ago

nah I mean if its a collectival I want it but im just saying its 30 dollars for the game so only people who want rare trades should get it just warning others so they don't go on a panic afterwards

1 decade ago

I think I already said in OP that it's supposed to be of collector's interest. Thanks for your honest concern.

1 decade ago

ah true I might go 100 in it but not sure yet need to make sure I have that money

1 decade ago

do u go through paypal or another trade site

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.