I have...

Verified Paypal

I want...

Gears of Wars 4 NVidia promo code.

Hi, this are my conditions if we trade.

1.- Do not add me, first post here. Then, if I choose to trade with you. I will reply to you telling that you are free to add me.
Note: I will check you on steamrep just to be sure you are legit if I decide to add you.
Note 2: If you decide to add me first before I post to accept you, I am not going to accept you.
Note 3: I am not going to add you for any reason. This applies only to the people inside this post. If you posted here and I added you without posting you to add me. Ignore the request. It may be an impersonator. For no reason, I am going to add you first.

2.- If you have less rep than me, you go first. No exceptions.

3.- Don't worry, I'll pay the fees.

4.- The code SHOULD NOT be from the Amazon Exploit. The code should be legit. I also will not accept if you got the code from G2A, or any gray market page. You need to tell me with what NVidia product it come from, why you got it and when. (Example. I bought a GTX 1080 for my/friend computer a week ago on the 7th of this month.)
NOTE: If you prefer to keep this private to the public, you can tell me when I add you.

5.- I am only paying in PayPal. You choose the method, but you have to post it in here too (not your PayPal email.), and if you have any requirements as-well. (Example, put your steam ID in notes, or something like that.) But please, be extremely detailed with the payment method you wish. If you wish any conversion in money, or any extra details.

6.- Also, if I add you after you post here. You need to post the instructions to me as-well. It is the first time I activate a product on the Windows store.

7.- After the trade, you will have to keep me as a friend on Steam for one week. Just in case something goes wrong. After the week (counting from the day of the trade), you can decide if delete me or keep me. I am usually up for a game, or a chat, but it's fine if you delete me.

8.- If your profile is or has been on private or friends only recently, or right now. Avoid to post. I will not trade with you.

Understand that I am in my entire right to ignore an offer. So, don't feel bad if I ignore you. I am really skeptical with who I trade with.

If you agree with that conditions. Post here and let me know your price. If you disagree, do not post. Thanks!

7 years ago*

Hello there. I'm getting my nvidia key in a few days, but I'm only looking for Rise of the Tomb Raider or Dishonored 2. So if you're up to that, add me and we can talk about it.

7 years ago

Hi there, sorry. I just got a code around half hour ago, but I appreciate your post. Thank you!

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.