I want to try something, that I have been doing with my friends for sometime now. I save them a decent amount of money. Now the idea is you tell me a game you are looking for and how many keys you are willing to pay for example if you say "I want Civ V. Could you try to get it for 4 Keys or less?" Now I would reply with "Yes I can get the game" or "No I can't get that game sorry." If I however say I can get it then I will tell you if it costs more or less than what you asked me to get it for. In this case I would say "Yes I can get Civ V, but instead of getting it for 4 keys I can get it for 3 or maybe 2 keys." If it costs more keys than what you asked I will mention that as well. I just want to be the middle man in these trades do all the contacting and stuff in order to get more rep. I currently don't have any keys right now so as a collateral until I get your game I will give you some TF2 items and a Dungeon Defenders Gift Copy. However once I get more keys I will not ask you to send first, but instead we will trade at the same time. All games I get you would be a gift copy unless stated otherwise. The 6 more people to purchase a game will get a random free android or steam game from the Humble Bundle. 1 Tour of Duty = 0.25 Keys, 2 Ref = 0.25 Keys, or 7.33 Ref = 1 Key

Current Wishlist:

Project Zomboid

7 Days to Die

List of ONLY some popular games I can get for you:

Dayz-15 Keys

Rust-6 Keys and 3 Tour of Duty Tickets/6 Keys and 5 Ref

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance-11 Keys

Starbound-4 Keys and 3 Tour of Duty Tickets/4 Keys and 5 Ref

7 Days to Die-8 Keys and 3 Tour of Duty Tickets/8 Keys and 5 Ref

Counter Strike: Global Offensive-2 Keys and 2 Tour of Duty Tickets/2 Keys and 4 Ref

Call of Duty: Ghosts-19 Keys

If you want to know a specific price for another game and it isn't already on the list then I will add it to the list just ask me.

1 decade ago*

can u get ghosts as a gift if so ill give u 15k

1 decade ago

Oh sorry I just now saw your comment. Well I can't get ghosts for 15 but I can get it for 19 keys if that is ok.

1 decade ago

I can get a key for probably 15 or 16 keys though.

1 decade ago

19 to much i ccould do like 17

1 decade ago

Ah I am not sure if i can get that low i will check later got to go to work right now.

1 decade ago

ok let me know wats could be done

1 decade ago

Nah I cant seem to find it that low but thanks anyways.

1 decade ago

Nah sorry I don't accept games unless if they are on my wishlist and I have a bunch of those games anyways. Thanks though.

1 decade ago

Can you get Ghosts Season Pass for 10 keys?

1 decade ago

Sorry I can't find it that low. I can find it for 16 or 19 keys I think. If not then I can definitely get it for 21 keys. Thank you for asking but i only found three people selling it and nobody was selling it that low.

1 decade ago

Hmm 16? k I'll let you know ASAP ^_^

1 decade ago

hi :), can you tell me for how much low can you get splinter cell conviction deluxe ? (steam key or gift, don't matter)

1 decade ago

Please have only 2 threads opened at a time.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.