I have...


  • CS GO keys (non-vanilla):


  • Tf2 keys:


    I'll cover the fees

I want...
  • CS GO Keys (non-vanilla)
  • Tf2 Keys

How to trade:

Simply write a comment down here including the amount of keys you want to sell. Then add me and we will discuss about the trade.

If you want a fast trade:

  • Check if i'm online (My profile), if not it probably won't be a fast trade.
  • Send me a trade offer (Here) with the keys you are willing to sell AND write in the trade itself your paypal email (Make sure you write the right one) and the name associated with the paypal account (as a double check).
  • Write a comment here saying you sent it.
  • As soon as i see the trade offer i'll accept it and send the money right after.
  • If, for some reason, i can't send the payment or i can't buy them i'll either Send you the keys back or decline the first offer you sent and write on your profile or here why.

My info:

| steamname: Apicedda
| steam3ID: [U:1:104865540]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52432770
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065131268
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Apicedda
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065131268
8 years ago*

want to sell 3 tf2 keys

8 years ago

Thanks for the trade!

8 years ago

i can do 4 csgo keys they are in opskins atm but can withdraw.

add me.

yeah sorry they were in opskins not selling then they sold. SORRI

8 years ago*

edit: you are not accepting me, and you are also tagged as a scammer
edit2: said he already sold them

8 years ago*

hello i know you're buying TF2 keys but i was wondering if you could buy Battle.net gift card for me? i can pay very WELL with my TF 2 keys

8 years ago

what is the offer

8 years ago

you need gc or a specific game?

8 years ago

so i need the battle.net codes to buy the WoW Legion expansion... i think that is easier if you tell me how much it will cost

8 years ago

i can pay you the keys and you can preoder the expansion here: https://www.instant-gaming.com/it/1136-comprare-key-battlenet-world-of-warcraft-legion/?igr=apic
if you add it to your whishlist i can gift it to you also

8 years ago*

it would be better if you buy the codes for me and i give you my tf2 keys for them because i'm from brazil(south america) and on that link that you send to me it appears that is only avaible on EU. i can go first no problem

8 years ago

all key sellers sells only eu codes, the only place to buy it seems to be battle.net

8 years ago

it appears that i can use US codes... i'll contact blizzard to confirm that... can you wait a little?

8 years ago


8 years ago

hi i add you to talk :)

8 years ago

thanks for the trade ;)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.