I have...

Yooka Laylee

I want...


I backed Yooka Laylee on Kickstarter, but the game turned out to have much higher hardware requirements than I anticipated.

I want Factorio first, then I'll give you the key, so you'll have to be willing to trust me.
EDIT: I may be convinced to give you the key first if you have an overwhelmingly positive feedback.
EDIT2: I can also add Nuclear Dawn and Gemini Rue to the deal.

7 years ago*

You should at least do some other trade first if you want people to "trust you" when you don't want to trust anyone else. Good luck.

7 years ago

I know, but I don't really have anything else to trade. I have no way to prove that I'm trustworthy. That said, I guess I could be persuaded to trust someone with a lot of positive reputation. Would you be interested if I were to uphold my end of the bargain first?

7 years ago

Sadly I'm not too sure I really want Yooka when I think about it. My advice is only to accept people that comment here before trading with anyone and to choose if the reputation of the user is good enough to trade with.

I'll think about it, and if you still have it, I'll let you know. It would be from the Steam store meaning it would be a gift copy. I'll let you know if I decide.

7 years ago

I just realized I have two games sitting in my inventory that I can add to the deal if you're interested - Nuclear Dawn and Gemini Rue.

7 years ago

I can do this deal if you can go first. After you have given your games I will purchase factorio and gift to you

7 years ago

Well, trusting people always ended horribly for me in the past, but you seem to have a lot of positive feedback, sooo... alright.

7 years ago

I traded with the user before, I so I doubt they're going to scam you. Good luck

edit: I was going to respond I wasn't interested in those two games, but I don't really have to since you found a trade, so take care.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.