9 years ago*

Hey man, i see u finally made it onto SteamTrades. Adding to discuss offers.

9 years ago

Is Civ 5 a humble gift? I can do that one :D

9 years ago

added assetto

9 years ago

added for corsa

9 years ago

Added you on steam. Was wondering if you could get more of these 2:

Was interested in assetto corsa for 7 keys.

And Witcher 3 for 8 keys.

Plus, DMC for 4 keys. (it's in your profile + inventory)

Please accept my invite on steam and reply to me regarding this, i'm usually online all the time and should get back at you eventually. If you can get all 3 games, i'll get all the keys from the market.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.