I have...

This is for people who like to purchase/trade for the games without having to buy the whole bundle. My prices are final.

  • Strider - 1€
  • Bionic Commando - 1€
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV - 4€
  • Street Fighter V - 4€
  • Dragons Dogma - 4€
  • DMC: Devil May Cry - 4€
  • Monster Hunter World - 6€
I want...

Accepting paypal(friends and family) offers! You have to pay fees if you are outside of the EU.


My account is using Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator


  • YOU have to offer ME and we negotiate from there
  • I will block anyone with a steam level of 0-3 and/or a private profile to protect myself from bots!(If you got blocked from me and you aren't a bot, just leave a message in here)
  • Offers below
  • No lowballing
  • No begging (If you do, i will un-friend you faster than you can say meow~)
  • No cards, no items (I won't answer anyone offering me those things. Exceptions can be made if the offer is actually worth it.)

| steamname: Excuritas
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:34526888
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029319505
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/?id=76561198029319505
| reputation on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Excuritas/
| reputation on steamtrades: http://www.steamgifts.com/user/Excuritas/feedback
| paypal reputation: http://tf2-trader.com/index.php?topic=31319.msg123409#msg123409
| paypal reputation2: http://backpack.tf/trust/76561198029319505


1 year ago

Hello! MHW for eldest souls?

1 year ago

Sure, please add me!

1 year ago

added, wont be available for next 8 hours

1 year ago

Closed 1 year ago.