I have...
  • $15.84 in Steam Wallet
  • Some cards and items
I want...
  • Hearts of Iron IV

I am a poor boy from Australia who bought a $20 Gift voucher to buy Hearts of Iron IV, currently $16 on the Paradox weekend sale. Due to exchange rates I only received $15.84 to my account. Please help a brother out and trade me up. I'm happy to chuck in most of my items (I like my worthless TF2 items though). Check my Steam account I have good trade rep used to do a lot on this forum.

6 years ago

can't you just sell the items to get the 15 cents you need to buy HoI4?

6 years ago

Unfortunately I didn't have Steam Guard activated so Steam requires 15 days to hold the items, activating it now didn't help as it needs to be used for more than 5 days before Steam allows instant trades.

6 years ago

aw man. I would help out but there's nothing on sale I want that is $15 or under

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.