Victim (the guy being impersonated):

IMPERSONATOR PROFILE (fake quijote702) :

So he just added me, and this was the conversation (checked who he was before accepting the friend request):

07:14 - quijote702: hello
07:14 - quijote702: can i have Borderlands 2 for 10 keys?
07:14 - stuky: hi
07:15 - stuky: no sry, i'm looking to sell it for a little more
07:15 - quijote702: :(
07:15 - quijote702: can i have spec ops for 8 ?
07:15 - stuky: yes
07:16 - quijote702: is it a key?
07:16 - stuky: ye
07:16 - quijote702: you need to go first
07:16 - stuky: :|
07:16 - quijote702: my reputation bigger
07:17 - stuky: can't see any comment on your steam profile
07:17 - quijote702: it is on steam trade
07:17 - quijote702: i always delete coments from the wall :D
07:17 - quijote702:
07:18 - quijote702: lets trade
07:18 - stuky: hmm
07:18 - stuky: seems good enough
07:18 - stuky: but
07:18 - stuky: the link on steamprofile is different from this one
07:18 - stuky: already checked before adding you
07:18 - stuky: sorry
07:19 - stuky: already know you were impersonating
07:19 - quijote702: its my first akaunt
07:19 - stuky: like this one :
07:20 - quijote702: so do u need this trade?
07:20 - stuky: only if you go first sorry
07:20 - quijote702: OK
07:20 - stuky: since THAT is the person i trust
07:20 - quijote702 รจ attualmente Offline.

1 decade ago*

Thanks, blocked him

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.