Please I am only accepting tf2 keys right now and the above is only a dlc so you must own the base game in order to play it. Its a steam key which I bought from GreenManGaming.

I also have the following HB links:-

Hitman absolution

Just cause 1

Just cause 2


To the moon

Awesomenauts Cluck Costume

Euro Truck Simulator

Nosgoth Veteran Pack

Infinity runners(Steam gift)

Murder Miners(Steam gift)

Tomb raider goty(Steam Gift)-3k

9 years ago*

How many cards for Civ 5 Dlc?

9 years ago

Lol the minimum it has been is 7.5$ so I will let you decide how many cards you can spare but I will prefer tf2 keys.

9 years ago

How about 2 TF2 Keys for the Gods and Kings?

9 years ago

Lol I purchased it for 7.5$ then how come I can sell it for a loss -_-. Sorry the price is firm but for your liking I will add Euro Truck Simulator if you agree to 3 tf2 keys

9 years ago

I can give you Tropico 4: steam special edition (gift) for Civilization V

9 years ago

Sorry already have the tropico 4 HB link but I am mostly interested in tf2 keys but thanks anyways.

9 years ago

hello , im intrested in Civ V , I added you

9 years ago

Done the trade thanks!!!

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.