Hello dear players, I would like to apologize to all for your foolishness, and pinhole with my steam ID when I was away on vacation, retracing simply could not enter my Steam ID, and email. At the moment I wrote a letter to steampowered.com reverence the presence of them, while I was not home. I am really very upset that it lost too many of their mistakes people's confidence, and I just want to understand it, that it really was not my intention to hurt you. Even imagine that this may happen, for I had never ensu than enemy than willing to hurt me.
Doubt but what I know that my Steam ID was stolen from my country of Lithuania, I would argue that it never nebeapsigaukite such errors, and no one has never not pass passwords ... as happened to me .. (Do not be mad behind very well skills english language)

1 decade ago*

nebeapsigaukite, nuff said

1 decade ago

I just want to say sorry for that fact that my steam was stollen ;(

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Why would someone take the effort to target a random account that has no reputation and isn't well known for anything? They might as well create a new account, that way they know it's not going to be taken back. If you had 100+ rep on SteamTrades or were a popular TF2 player I could see them targeting you, but that isn't the case.

Just my 2 cents.

1 decade ago

hopefully you can regain some rep by doing some honest trades!

1 decade ago

because i was newbie on this trades also idk what is goes on , also i was not being home ??? ask that person whoo stoled my steam and email

1 decade ago

and i don't know if i can regain +rep ;(((( people i am honestly sayng sorry that not be me who scamming all the time ;(

1 decade ago

You need to complete honest trades with people and get them to leave you positive rep afterwards. Also, I have a funny feeling you're full of shit.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.