I currently value tf2 keys at 3.44 refined each. or 1 key = 3.44 refined metal.

If you are wondering what tf2 keys are they open mann co supply crates. They are sold for $2.50 usd in store, around $2.40 usd on market and $1.30-1.40 on the black market(basically for paypal off other users) from spots like sourceop, r/tf2trade or anywhere or anyone else you know of.

If you agree on this price feel free to add me or if not offer below.

Everything listed is a tradeable steam gift.

Ace of Spades - 5 keys
Age of Empires 3 Comp - 8 keys
Alan Wake Franchise - 8 keys
Alice Madness returns - 5 keys
Anno 2070 - 12 keys
Anno 2070 deep sea - 11 keys
Arma 2: Co - 16 keys
Assassins creed 3 - Offer
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Del - 9 keys
Batman AC GOTY - 7 keys
Borderlands 2 - 24 keys
Call of Duty WAW - 12 keys
Chivalry - 10 keys
Civilization 5 Gods and kings - 5 keys
Civilization 5 GOTY - 7 keys
Civilization 5 GOTY upgrade - 3 keys
Crysis Collection - 11 keys
Daedalic Bundle - 16 keys
Darksiders Franchise - 13 keys
Dark Souls - 23 keys
Dawnguard - 10 keys
Dead Island - offer
Dead Rising complete - 13 keys
Deus Ex: HR - offer
Endless Space Admiral - 9 keys
Far Cry 3 - offer
Far Cry 3 deluxe - offer
Forge - 6 keys
FTL - 5 keys
Grand Theft Auto Complete - 10 keys
Hotline Miami - 6 keys
Jagged Alliance BIA - 3 keys
Mass Effect Complete - 9 keys
Miner Wars 2081 - 10 keys
Natural Selection 2 - 10 keys
NFS Shift - 5 keys
Orcs 2 are we yeti - 1 key
Rage - 6 keys
Resident evil 5 - 8 keys
Ridge Racer unbounded - 10 keys
Saints Row 3 full - 6 keys
Shoot Many Robots - Offer
Sleeping Dogs - 7 keys
Sleeping Dogs dlc - Offer
Sins of a Solar Empire:Rebellion - 10 keys
Star Wars: Knights of the old republic 2 - offers
Street Fighter x Tekken - 7 keys
Super Street Fighter 4 AE - 10 keys
The Amazing Spiderman - 10 keys
The Amazing Spiderman DLC - offer
The SIms 3 - 10 keys
The Sims Medieval - 4 keys
The Walking Dead - 10 keys
The Witcher 2 - 8 keys
THQ bundle - 15 keys

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.