I've got a bunch of humble bundle keys sitting around so i might just trade them away to someone who actually might want them. If you want to really make my day, i would really really really like either Skyrim Legendary Edition or XCOM Enemy Unknown/Within and would be willing to trade the whole shebang of keys and humble links for it. But im flexible with accepting other offers. And im not really interested in the Keys and refined metal and steam cards.


Guardians of Middle Earth with Smaug's treasure DLC

Batman: Arkham Origins DLC

Rune Classic

Ravensword shadowlands

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem

Thief: gold edition

Il-2 Sturmovik 1946

Super Sanctum TD

Fortix 2


Crysis 2 maximum edition

Burnout paradise: ultimate box edition

Mirror's edge

Medal of Honour

1 decade ago*

Hey, are you intrested in Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex human rev. or Dirt 3 ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.