I have...

Over 3000 steam trading cards and many spare cards for already completed badges

I want...

Cards to complete badges and level up account.

Send me a trade offer: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=3436087&token=a3XeZIwd

About me,
I'm building an esports organisation, to make sure I don't be impersonated I'm leveling up my steam account (Currently 99 almost 100). Since at the moment most of my recruiting is public and open doors, I dont want any potential players to be contacted by any impersonator of me.

We also have a public gaming community for anyone to join for casual or competitive play, there are no requirements. Players in the community have all the opputunities to find players they play well with and become a contracted team under the deadly verdict name.

Deadly Verdict was formed in 2001, and from the get-go was focused on the community aspect. 19 years later the party is still rocking on strong! DV was founded on the idea that the community aspect of the gaming community should be stronger then the competitive aspect of it, and for that reason we have no requirements. We believe players no matter what level can add to the experience all members.

In 2015 DV suffered a leadership clash, this force DV to shutdown and leadership went our seperate ways, in 2019 I decided to reform DV with the only leader I still played with and trusted. A few old members found out we were back in business and swiftly joined only days after relaunching. Now we set our sights on going into esports and building players and teams.

We launched in november, here was our official announcement: https://forums.dvclan.org/topic/96-deadly-verdict-prepares-to-launch/

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.