I'm not trying to rip anyone off, I'm simply trying to build up rep and, of course, get Worms Revolution Season Pass a bit cheaper, by trading games/dlc content.

I've done this before by trading my 50€ game for a 60€ game (I spent 10€ less).

If interested add me and we'll talk.

1 decade ago*

i don't understand you'r logic, you expect someone to buy u a 12.50€ game for 4€ wallet?

1 decade ago

The Worms Revolution Season Pass costs 10 euros (at the moment) and my offers cost about 5€.
I'd be getting the season pass 5€ euros cheaper, only because I do not have the "remaining" 5 euros at the moment (and would be a way for me to get rep).

1 decade ago

ok then....good luck with that

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.