I have...

$25 USD Amazon Gift Card
$26 USD worth of Steam Wallet
Bundle Games (See list here - http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/5MYsb/h-zigfrak-full-bundles-full-mojo-rampage-interstellar-marines-gift-w-many-payments-inside ) (These should be considered an extra, and not exactly the trade itself)

I want...

Skyrim LE (Legendary Edition) x 2

This is not your average trade, please read further to understand the parameters!

Essentially, I will trade either the amazon gift card for both copies, or will buy you up to $26.46 USD worth of gifts via Steam for the two copies of Skyrim LE. I can hold onto said funds until you would like to use them, spend it all now, or a mix of the two. I'm pretty sure that you would receive the items instantly without the waiting period if it's sent directly as a gift through the store, so that shouldn't be an issue.

As for the bundle games, I can add one (or more) onto the trades above if you have any interest, based upon their inherent value and your specific interests. This should be considered an extra to the deal above, and not exactly part of the trade.

If you have under 50 rep, I would prefer you go first. If you have over, I will likely go first based upon if you have any (legit) negative feedback.

If you would like any clarification/have any questions upon any of these parameters or would like to discuss a deal, feel free to add me (please post first that you have added me so that I know which thread you're coming from).

Thank you for reading, and I hope to come to a mutually beneficial deal!

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.