Have (Keys):
-Guns of Icarus Online
-Finding Teddy
-Syberia II
-Ethan: Meteor Hunter
-Universe Sandbox
-Inquisitor Deluxe Edition
-Hero of the Kingdom [[x2]]
-Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
-Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project
-Dysfunctional Systems: Learning To Manage Chaos
-Hero Siege [[x2]]
-Marlow Briggs
-Nightmares From The Deep [[x2]]
-Skyward Collapse + DLC
-Takedown Red Sabre - Should Provide Giftable

Have (Humble Links):
-Gianna Sisters

-Civ V Scrambled DLCs
-Luxuria Superbia
-The Bridge
-7 Grand Steps

Want list is just some of the items I missed. I'll consider other offers but please don't waste time offering me stuff I already have.

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.