Would you be interested in Half-Life 1: Source (Includes 2 items: Half-Life: Source, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source) for deus ex dlc?
DeDoOo - Have both of them
KeRmiT - Seeing as MW2 is quite old by now, there would need to be at least another game or two on top of that to consider trading for it.
After searching I bought probably the last Collector's Edition of DE:HR and now wish to trade this backup copy (bought in case I couldn't get the CE).
Product is Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition.
Note that this is a key purchased from Green Man Gaming and redeemable through Steam.
GMG have emailed me the key and the download is done through Steam, not via their client.
The two DLC are in my inventory.
Arkham City is an instant trade, however anything decent on my wishlist is also an option. Skyrim would also be instant trade.
Failing that, your best offers. No coupons, no indie games (I have them all), and nothing less than at least 40 euros in total of games I do not own.
As the product is a key, I will trade the DLC for whatever the offer is first, then provide the key. This is to avoid the key being lost immediately if the trader fails to provide their items.
I have traded many times here and have been proven to be a reliable trader. See my previous threads where I gave away 10 copies of GTA Complete, and in general when trading for items.
I have been a member of Steam for many years and will only trade with people who have also been proven to be reliable traders.
Thanks for your time.