I have...

AK-47 | Frontside Misty (BS) w nametag ,,The Mistaker"
AWP | Phobos (FN) w nametag ,,#SFUI_Vote_Passed" (in game its only green Vote Passed)
Five Seven |Monkey Business (FT)
And some cheaper skins and Steam cards

I want...

Rust gift ROW
Rocket League gift
PayDay 2 Gift
Or some other Steam Hanes with price 10€+

My Steam trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=392037589&token=Dpmy0tJe
Only fair offers, other rejecting

7 years ago*

Check my gifts.

7 years ago

I have blade Symphony and Frozen Synapse Prime GIFT

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.