hey i have lots of dota 2 invites left. they are from playdota.com
so i'll be trading for games

left 4 dead=2-3 keys

left 4 dead 2= 3-4 keys

orange box= 2-3keys

oblivion goty=3-4 keys

torchlight 2 =3-4keys

i will also expect good offers
add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051644010

1 decade ago*

will expect any good offer and feel free to add me

1 decade ago

traded for aliens vs predators

have a few keys remaining

1 decade ago

traded for half-life 2

1 decade ago

This guy is suspicious.

Insists that u go first in trade, and absolutely doesn't accept otherwise! Also, be careful about his negative feedback (someone says the guy has ripped him off).

Edit: 2 negative feedbacks now...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.