Hey there all

I have a darksiders amazon steam-redeemable that I want to trade

I am offering darksiders key and 5 dollars on paypal for dead island

If you check my steam profile you see that I have solid trading reputation but i am TOTALLY OK with the idea of using a trustable middleman, to make it safer for both sides.

1 decade ago*

Interested in selling the key? Or only interested in dead island?

1 decade ago

add me on steam we can talk about that

1 decade ago

If you're interested in games other than Dead Island, I can offer Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition for the Darksiders key and $5 (in the form of a Steam purchase, rather than paypal, if that's ok).

If not, free bump and good luck! :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.