I have...

8-Bit Commando (1x)
Enclave (Sold)
Fish Fillets 2 (1x)
Guns of Icarus Online (1x)
Home (1x)
Survivor Squad (2x)
QbQbQb (1x)
Two Worlds GOTY Edition (Sold)
Knights and Merchants (1x)
Knightshift (1x)
Rover Rescue (1x)
Ring Runners: Flight of the Sages (1x)

Batman: Arkham Origins New Millennium Skins Pack DLC (1x) (0.50$/€)
Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack DLC (1x) (2$/€)

I want...

TF2 Items
Dota 2 Items
CS:GO Items
Steam Trading Cards (with cards on the list below you can get more games!)
PayPal Money (Offers behind the item ;) | I accept $ and €)

I'll add other games.
For trade please add me on Steam.I'll send you an email with the key or game-link and if you want to pay with paypal my paypal-email.
If you want some games to restock please post it in the comments.

I really want these cards: http://puu.sh/hmVMh/ba22a2ed7f.txt
But you can trade with other cards too!
Time to trade =)

P.S. Everyone who traded with me comes on my whitelist and can win other games!

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.