Thief : Master Thief Edition Pre-Purchase

16 keys.

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1 decade ago*

I know that there are Russian games can be activated and played in any country. However, you have to activate it while in Russia before playing it globally. Does your game require me to activate in Russia?

1 decade ago

no you can activate it anywhere.

1 decade ago

I bought Far Cry 3 and it had ru tag. I activated it and played without problems. Your thief gift doesn't have ru tag so there won't be any problems in my opinion.

I don't have enough tf2 keys atm but i can offer you Dark Souls:PTDE ROW gift + CS:Complete gift (incudes CS:GO) + 5 tf2 keys for your thief gift.

1 decade ago

Hey, thanks for the info! Appreciate that. I would have to pass your offer though since I have all of these games and I'm looking for the keys to buy other games that I don't have. Thanks again for the offer.

1 decade ago

Np. Have a nice day :)

1 decade ago

how it comes, that your thief bought in ru store have no Ru/cis tag ?

1 decade ago

no idea.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.