Hello, I will be selling games very often. I will be willing to get any games you may want if what you offer is a fair price/deal. I prefer to be payed using Paypal, but if you cant please feel free to post here with your trade offer. We sell gift games, code games, and other platform games.

Steam Gifts

Borderlands 2(x1)

Saints Row 3 (x1)

Torchlight 2 (x1)

Dota 2 (x1)

SimCity 4 (x1)

PayPal terms: 1. Your PayPal account has to be verified.
You accept that you are willingly to go first sending the specific amount of your purchase using PayPal.
You must check "I transfer money to friends or family" (paying for fees) and add the note: "This is a payment for a virtual item I already received, I understand and accept hereby that I will not claim back this payment." Without the quotation marks. Any PayPal payments I receive without this note will get their money returned.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.