Please read ALL information before adding me or commenting. You may skip links, but I recommend you see my evidence of authenticity for yourself.

Proof of Ownership:

Proof of Purchase: | Topmost entry

Method of Acquisition: Added: Wallet $20 Credit (x3) | Sold: Strange Australium
Medi Gun

225+ Hours on Team Fortress 2, 152/477 Achievements Earned | Profile:
Approximated Account Value: $525.58 [$193.91 spent]

Keys to Sell at Time of Post: 37 | Max Keys per Transaction: 5 [Value: B0.015/5 {sales value approx. $2.40}] | Remaining: 37

Keys per Transaction refers to how many keys I will trade to a person, per payment, at maximum. This value is lifted for those with at least 200/1 (99.5%) rep ratio of positive-to-negative, or a clean 40 positive rep.

I am only interested in Bitcoin transactions, as they are more secure and there is no possible way to charge-back. This comes with a downside, which is there must be more trust between the buyer and seller. I am willing to use a reputable middleman service, but I would prefer your payment come first. To learn more about Bitcoins and their uses, you can go to or

If you require more information, just ask. I aim to be as open and transparent as possible without revealing private information.

If you complete a trade with me, please comment with a screenshot of your trade logs. This will help me gain trust and allow me to confidently do more Keys at once. This is, however, not required.

TL;DR Selling Keys for Bitcoin, 0.003 each.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.