Hi guys.

I had just been scammed.

I went first, and the guy logged off as soon as i sent him the gift. The f*cker sent me a -rep.
I don't mind the gift lost, but i do mind of the -rep. I hve the print of the conversation. Where can i contact support to deal withe the fake -rep i got?

9 years ago*

Create a ticket and report him if you haven't done so already here, just don't hold your breath.
You also might wanna report him on steamrep for good measure, if you have sufficient evidence that is.

9 years ago

Thanks for the help!

9 years ago

Yeah, the support is really helpful http://gyazo.com/ab650807da55d515a817d605fb8fab75

9 years ago

Wow o.O

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.