I am a graphic designer, but I also really enjoy playing games, so I deciced to share some of my art and skills with my friends and the steam community. ANMALISTIC is a project where I work on high quality minimalistic design. If you want an exclusive avatar for your profile, or another kind of design, just let me know and we can discuss a trade.


  1. I will only trade my design if the user approves the final art.
  2. I will not receive money for my design, instead I will only accept TF2 keys and Steam Trading Cards (since this is a gaming community).
  3. I am not obligated to make a design for any user, and will not make it until approval (no pornorgraphic, racist, or hate symbols will be allowed).

Thanks for your understanding,

[ Join my new group on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/anmalistic ]



1 decade ago*

I have a lot of games, keys, and tf2 keys. I would like to see some of your work.

1 decade ago

I've made these 2 websites recently:

www.infectedservers.com &

1 decade ago

www.fastsushibrasil.com does no load.
www.infectedservers.com is fine and dandy, but nothing like an avatar that im thinking. Not looking for a logo like yours, exactly.

Do you have a portfolio? I feel i might be wasting your time. I'd want something similar (but i do not expect as High Quality [Its easily a 30+ hour artwork afterall]) as my current avatar.

1 decade ago

Well your avatar is not just an "avatar", it's more like a highly detailed piece of art. I am not that kind of artist, that would cost a lot of money and time. I am focused on a minimalistic express design, clean logos, simple but still well made. I could still adapt your current avatar to something, art has no limits, but I could not promisse an art on the same level, from scratch.


1 decade ago

1 decade ago

Ah, pretty good. Well now i actually have a reason to talk to you, I'd like to commission a Favicon.


something along those lines
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQid6y_jUVgZ2_E6OVpGRXcLEDBEk-dRF_Pa4UZqACWJwnAePyrYA without the horns, only the head / http://www.cowpictures.net/happy-cow.jpg

Black and white, no honrs, soft lines.

And feel free to add me on steam. I'd like to discuss your fee.

1 decade ago

Ah, thats exactly what i was saying, and thanks for the demo, not the direction im looking for an avatar, but I already posted below that i am now looking for a logo/favicon.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.