I have...

Steam money OR new operation CS GO(without cooldown)

I want...

Dont starve together x2

I want to buy dont starve together (2 copies) for 10€ both(or 5€ 1 copy). So if you want any game its no problem, but if you want keys you would have to wait 1 week so i prefeer:

  1. You put offer shit item for 10€ 2.You give me 2 DST gifts 3.I buy shit item for 10€
    Im not going first, sorry (unless you have like hell a lot plusses)
    Or if you want a game then we can make a normal trade:) (games dont have 1 week cooldown)

I can also trade operation for 1 DST (normal trade)

8 years ago

I have 1 copy of dont starve together

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.