I have...

1- Endless Night - Abaddon
2- Prized Acquisitions - Batrider
3- Fury of the Bloodforge - Bloodseeker
4- Pattern of the Silken Queen - Broodmother
5- Directive of the Sunbound - Clockwerk
6- Allure of the Faeshade Flower - Dark Willow
7- Dread Ascendance - DOOM
8- Third Awakening - Dragon Knight
9- Scorched Amber - Dragon Knight
10- Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt - Drow Ranger
11- Cruelties of the Spiral Bore - Magnus
12- Fowl Omen - Necrophos
13- Shimmer of the Anointed - Nyx Assassin
14- Tales of the Windward Rogue - Pangolier
15- Dapper Disguise - Pudge
16- Souls Tyrant - Shadow Fiend
17- Distinguished Expeditionary - Tusk
18- Verdant Predator - Venomancer
19- Tribal Pathways - Warlock
20- Grim Destiny - Wraith King

I want...

Dota 2 cache sets TI7 (Reef's Edge sets) or earlier

4 years ago*

Closed 4 years ago.