like the title says, I have Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Digital Bundle steam gift and want 3 tf2 keys + 5 ref for it. add me or send trade offer

9 years ago*

3 keys+5 ref

9 years ago

thanks for the trade :)

9 years ago

Counter Strike GO+ CS. 1.6 + awesomenuts +tower wars for it

9 years ago

I want Castlevania lord of shadows 2, I can only trade with more games ill give u 4, Cs. GO+ CS 1.6 + Tower Wars + Awesomenuts

9 years ago

are they gifts or keys? if they are keys you should go first, apart from that it sounds good to me,added you to discuss, will be online later (in about 3-4 hours)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.