He responded to my thread where I was trading my Dota 2 Keys for a Borderlands 2 GOTY.
Long story short, he used three accounts and finally these two. Scammed me out of my 6 Dota 2 Keys.

Steam conversation screenshot:

Steam Profiles of said scammer:
Z Fist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ZFist/
ilikeolive: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053603869/

I forgot his third account name but as I remember vaguely it's "/v\ushi" something like that.

I know the hopes on bringing this guy to justice and getting my keys back are quite slim. But on the off chance you guys are dealing with this guy. I implore you to check this thread and his SteamTrades profile. Damn his soul to hell.

1 decade ago*

I also got scammed by this guy!! Damn this idiot!!!

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.