I have...

Sims 3
Sims 3 date night expansion
Sims 3 Late night expansion
Sims 3 High end Loft expansion

I want...

MGSV Phantom Pain
Mad Max

the sims 3 game and expansion are all KEYS, redeemable on origin. I am willing to prove to you I have what i say i have by giving you 3 of the expansion codes, but am not gonna give up the game itself until i receive what i want. If you want to trade but want to discuss the offer a bit, hit me up.

8 years ago*

Still doing the math to see how much expansions are worth. I know sims 3 base game is good enough for H1z1, and the loft expasion is another 20, so, thats 40 right there. pretty sure the other 2 add up to be 60 or more.

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.