As title says, I'm quite intrigued by the game and I'm curious if someone has it for trade.

I'm open to discussion and can basically get any game for it within reason.

You can write below or add me for discussion.

EDIT: Also got some bundle game keys that I'm willing to throw into a successful deal as a bonus:


  • Zombie Driver HD
  • Shank 2
  • Shadowgrounds
  • Shadowgrounds: Survivor


  • Gimbal
  • Kill Fun Yeah
  • Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mistery
1 decade ago*

i've one up for trade, i can do it for some tf2 keys or some paypal

edit: let me know if you change your mind

1 decade ago

I don't do paypal, so how many TF2 keys would you want?

1 decade ago

my asking price is 8 but i'm not sure how people value tf2 keys so i guess i'm open to suggestions

1 decade ago

sorry, that is way too high for me and already got better offers. Thanks for getting back to me though.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.