I have...

Prices on russian Steam games can be found here: https://steamdb.info/sales/?displayOnly=all&category=0&cc=ru
60 RUB = +/- 1 USD
140 RUB = +/- 1 key

I want...

Keys, PayPal

I'm trading region-locked games from Russia here. They are MUCH cheaper, but you have to be in Russia (huh) or use VPN to activate them. Using VPN may lead to ban. I WILL NOT refund your money, if you won't find any suitable VPN service to activate your game.

  1. Comment here, or add me, or send me a trade offer. Name a game you want to buy.
  2. I'll answer you shortly, naming my price.
  3. If you like my conditions, you send me your keys or money through PayPal.
  4. I buy the game and gift it to you. Remember: it's region-locked!
  5. ???
  6. PROFIT!
9 years ago*


9 years ago

rust 4-pack how much keys?

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.