I have...

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War nVidia promo key

I want...

Control, Watch Dogs: Legion, cash, or anything on my wishlist

The black ops key is through gforce experience as part of the current promo. You need an RTX 3080/3090 GPU which has not been used for this specific promo (Cold War).

I'd be perfectly happy to trade for a key for the games listed, or for a reasonable equivalent in either "cash" (can discuss payment methods) or game codes from my steam wishlist.

This is my first time trying something like this, so pardon me if I'm mis-stepping.

3 years ago

I can do Control ultimate for it, if you cna activate

3 years ago

Sure, that works great. I'm assuming it's the same nvidia key situation (hence the activation?)

3 years ago

COntrol Ultimate Edition VS COD BOWC add me if you wanna trade.

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

Trade complete. I went first. nvidia code for steam funds. Good trade.

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.