This is not a wallet code. I have an extra 36$ wallet to use up.

I use the u.s. store to buy games. Value per key counted as $2.20 ea (More than you make from selling on market.)

Ex. To have me buy $22 in games you'd trade me 10 keys

Post what game/games/dlc you would like, tally them up, throw a key amount down. If the price is right, I'll respond and add you.

Due to steams update on the shop system, you will have to trade the keys first. After receiving them, I buy the game/s and gift them to you.

(If you are nervous about going first and/or new to trading like this. We can go part for part, to make it safer for both of us. In other words, you want 3 games: Instead of giving me all the keys at once, we do one games worth of keys for one game at a time.)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.