You probably mean Section 8 and I already have it, thanks for your offer though.
I can give Dead Space 1 or a game from the cheaper sections for Trainz
Not interested in Portal 2 (I'm trading it myself) or FlatOut (have FlatOut Complete Collection)
hm..what about Nikopol (which i will buy with your coupon) for all Homefront DLCs?
Thanks, but I have all Indie Bundles with pay-above-average content and I'm not interested in Rome.
Interesting concept of an Asteroids clone, but it's not my type of game, sorry.
Though I enjoy classic games I'm not interested in this.
Btw: "Cthulhu Saves the World" is a great classical RPG with lots of humor =)
Sorry, not interested in this game, though I have to admit that Alien Swarm was pretty fun while the community was still alive. Too bad they never released more official campaigns.
I never touched my Alien Breed 2 that I got for free (Steam Summer Camp if I remember correctly).
Yeah alien swarm was good up to point were it jsut ends but the lack of story didnt make me wanna continue playing, it was fun the first time around but meh. Alien breed is an ok game but i think it would be more interesting in coop...
Anything from here for any of those? Dungeon Defenders/Orcs Must Die!/The Wonderful End of the World
Thanks for the offer, but I have all of them and I'm not interested in coupons.
Added you. But I can tell you beforehand that I already have all the games in your inventory. But maybe you're the first person that is actually interested in getting me the Grotesque Bundle
Fallout: New Vegas
Orcs Must Die! + all DLC
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Medal of Honor
Winter Sale 2011: SegaPack?
Sorry, I already have S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and also S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
Metro 2033 for left 4 dead or Risen or Counter-Strike: Source?
Homefront for Empire & Napoleon Total War™ - Game of the Year Edition?
Sorry, I already have L4D 1 + 2, I'm trading away CS:S and I have a 75% coupon for Risen (I hope it will get on sale, else I buy it at the end of the month)
All Total War games are included in the SegaPack that I just traded for (even Shogun 2 + DLC).
Serious Sam HD Secound Encounter for Metro 2033 ?
have a look and tell me if your interested in anything else
Have $40 games:
Two Worlds II
Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition
Homefront + all DLC
Have $30 games:
Serious Sam HD: Double Pack
Portal 2
Have $20 games:
Medal of Honor
The Haunted: Hells Reach
Orcs Must Die! + all DLC
Metro 2033
The Orange Box
Counter-Strike: Source
The Ball
Dead Space 1
Dead Space 2
Painkiller Complete Pack
Titan Quest Gold
Duke Nukem Forever
The Ship - Complete Pack
Have $15 games:
Dungeon Defenders
Orcs Must Die!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Have $10 games:
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Gold
Day of Defeat: Source
Garry's Mod
PAM - Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Nation Red
The Tiny Bang Story
The Wonderful End of the World
Mata Hari
Have $5 games:
Twin Sector
Portal 1
Have $3 games:
Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack
Have $0 games:
Super MNC
I want:
Grotesque Bundle ($25) and Nikopol ($5) for $30 worth of my games.
I can give you 50% coupons for the games I want, so both will be $15.
So basicly I'm trading $30 worth of my games for $15