Currently trading Civilization Collection (includes all the Civilization games and DLC), Hydrophobia, King's Bounty: Armored Princess, Humble Bundle 6 (Wizorb, BIT.TRIP.RUNNER, Gratuitous Space Battles, and Jamestown) and the Sleeping Dogs TF2 item set.

I'm interested in CS:GO, Darksiders 2, The Secret World and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, but I'm open to offers as long as they're good deals. I can buy some games from the store if the offer is right.

1 decade ago*

ALan wake franchise for civ 5 + trine 2 + ninjas?

1 decade ago

I've got the Civilization bundle, which includes all the Civilization games and DLC. I'm not trading the games individually.

1 decade ago

Still looking!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.