I have...


I want...

2 TF2/CS:GO Keys

For fast trade, you can send me a trade offer here.


8 years ago*

Over 60,000 free keys went out. I can offer you some cards or spare games for it. But I think you will find it impossible to get what you are asking for it...

8 years ago

i sold them easily for above what he's asking
the game is still removed,and there's a limited supply.

8 years ago

Np I already got mine for a copy of Muffin Knight. And plenty of people trading in forums for just as cheap. You guys can go ahead and keep trade raping people idc.

This game doesn't technically apply to the standard of removed games , the devs handed out 5 copies to any owner. There is a minimum of 60,000 keys running around. Limited supply? Maybe in a few months. Now you guys are just fleecing the ignorant who probably don't realize there are that many free copies floating around.


8 years ago

and you are fleecing on the ignorant ones who don't know about it's value.
there's an active buyer with 2 dota keys,who doesn't get overwhelmed with gifts.

and you can buy a few muffin knights with a dota key. if you know what i mean.

8 years ago

Nah. With over 60,000 free keys floating around , you guys are the ones overvaluing your free stuff. I even traded with someone who was completely aware of it being removed and such. Just like a bunch of others have in the game's forums (among other forums) and have traded or are trading for its actual current value.

You are basing its price on it being removed. That only applies to games that didn't get massive giveaways or have been removed for a long time. Months at least.

IF they hadn't handed out 5 free keys to every owner I would not say a word and its price would be appropriate. But its not and its not worth as much as you trade rapers keep thinking it is. Just because you sold for that price does not mean it IS worth that price.

After all. A sucker is born every minute and that is exactly what people like you are hoping for.

8 years ago

i love hypocrites when i see em.
i won't deny that i got my gifts dirt cheap,but that's just because the guys selling em aren't aware of the value. (if i didn't make the trade,someone else would.)
it's a fact that if you get a cheap windborne you'd also try to get a good deal on it.
you can deny all you want,but that's just how it is.

i don't mind holding onto them for some time. even with that many available,the difference here is that the games actually looks decent. so people other than collectors are interested in it.

also you say 5 "free keys". and that's not true. the owners paid for the game.
as far as i know,it was said by stats that there were what,12.000 +/- 10% owners ? i great deal of them isn't eligible for extra gifts,imagine also how many of them don't even trade,or gave em away to friends.
when trying to find a copy for myself when it got removed at lest 4 guys said that they already gave it away to their friends.

lastly,the only argument of mine which is without a doubt provable - the value
as i said,there's a buyer for 2 dota keys (now tf2 keys),and i'll always be happy to get a copy off your hands for 1 key

closing argument:
there will never be more gifts available
and if you think 60k gifts is a high number http://kotaku.com/there-are-over-125-million-steam-accounts-1687820875

edit: and you say the price would be appropriate if they weren't given away ? haha,what are you smoking ? NOBODY would have extra gifts of it. it would be one of the biggest sleeper removals of the year. (superseeded only by arma 2 NA,possibly)
even ramayana had more coverage

8 years ago*

wow long reply , what your saying is right but i wouldnt waste your time replying to this guy, clearly doesn't understand the concept of buy low sell high

8 years ago

and its supply and demand

big supply = low demand
low supply = big demand

and 60,000 free copies woop woop. 150 million steam accounts

8 years ago

I'm a patient guy :)

I appreciate your interest anyway. Thanks!

8 years ago

Still selling Windborne for 5 keys?

8 years ago

Yes I do!

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.