I have...

Steam Gifts for:

  1. Costume Quest 1

  2. ORION Prelude

  3. maybe FEZ

  4. Binary Domain

  5. Death Ray Manta SE

I want...

someone to buy me a The Legend of Dark Witch Gift

Don't try to add me on Steam. Post your trade offers in here 1st and i'll decide whether i should add you on Steam or not.

If you try to add me on Steam without posting your trade offer in here 1st, your Steam friend invite will be ignored.

(i don't own any mobile devices. Therefore, i don't have Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled so you'll have to most likely wait for 15 days for any of my Steam gifts or trading cards to get delivered to you because Steam will "hold" them. sorry guys, there's nothing i can do about it.)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.