I have...

Please read my post, under Trading Guidelines:

◘ I am only accepting gems and csgo keys (no hydra; no vanilla).
◘ I am not interested in your games.

6 years ago*

Sorry, I found nothing of interest to me. Thanks though!

6 years ago

Hey there, ToD or Capsule key for Human fall flat?
Also could do 1400 gems.
Have my list here, though not sure which I'd trade for it 1-1.

6 years ago

Hello, thanks for offering, but your offer is a bit low. See Rule 4.
However, I could trade for Borderlands GOTY under the pretense of Rule 3.

6 years ago

I just got it actually, but your version is a gift link, or steam key may I ask?

6 years ago

I can provide it as either gift link or key.

6 years ago

Okay. I'll consider Borderlands GOTY
Regarding your G2A pricing, you should know that the price was £5.4 or so the previous day, then became £3.20 yesterday- seeing as this game doesn't have much of a solid price. I've also traded (both sold and bought) at under G2A prices, which don't mean anything at all to me, unless it's cheaper on G2A than in trading.

6 years ago

Understandable; as everyone has their own way of valuing games.
But since you're offering on my thread, I'm using the rules that I use to value games.

6 years ago

Yep, you're right. I'm only saying that had we spoken a day earlier, the G2A value of Human fall flat would've been double.
I just received Human fall flat, once for a key (what I'd price Borderlands GOTY at) and once for a ToD for a friend, sorry for troubling you.
Oh, and would you like to trade TESO Tamriel > Worms WMD and a key?

6 years ago

I'm not very interested in MMOs, so I'll have to pass. Thanks though!

6 years ago

Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed or Darksiders 2 for Dead by Daylight or I can offer Paypal, how much you want for it?

or any of these?
Endless Legend
Wurm Unlimited
Guild of Dungeoneering
Van Helsing
PLague Inc
Shoppe Keep
Flat Heroes
Super Rude Bear
Lakeview Cabin

6 years ago

Sorry, I don't take PayPal, but I can trade for 6 CSGO/TF2 keys.

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.