Looking to trade all my tf2 items for some games or something, I'd love to manage to get 2-3 little games but I figure that's wishful thinking and I probably don't have anything worth a single cheap game.

What I'm wanting as far as advice is, well, I'd like to know what links I should post to show the items I have, and how I can make it easier for people to make offers. I haven't really done any trading on steam, swapped a coal for the gift pile achievement but that's it.

Here is my Inventory, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015194101/inventory

1 decade ago*

For your general inventory, the easiest way to let people view it is by posting your link from steam. The general form is as follows:
You will, of course, have to replace the "?"s with your own steam account (or steamid, rather.)

Alternatively, you can use a site such as tf2items.com, tf2b.com, or optf2.com. All of those also allow others to view your inventory, and may provide other useful information as well. They're designed pretty intuitively, so I imagine you won't have any trouble using those.

1 decade ago

Thanks for all the advice, I'll try out those other sites. To be honest, trading in TF2 is pretty intimidating with so many people that take it so seriously.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.