I have...
  • Steam trading cards sets for level UP boost
  • CS:GO case keys
  • TF2 keys
  • Steam gems
I want...
  • Steam trading cards sets for level UP boost
  • CS:GO case keys
  • TF2 keys
  • Steam gems

Steam levelling made simple, fast and cheap!

Duobot - Level up Bot is the fastest and most affordable way to level UP your Steam profile.

How to start

  1. Add the BOT to the your friend list.
  2. Type in the chat message "!help" to check the commands.

Command list

Information commands Function
!help show help information for common questions.
!price show current prices.
!owner link to Owner profile.
Calculator commands Function
!level [desired level] calculate how many sets it would take and how much it would cost to reach your desired level.
!check show how many unique badges you can buy at the moment.
!check [amount of CS:GO/TF2 keys] show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys.
CS:GO keys commands Function
!buy [amount of CS:GO keys] use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets, following the current BOT rate.
!buyone use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.
!buyany [amount of CS:GO keys] use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets, ignoring if you have already crafted or not, following the current BOT rate.
TF2 keys commands Function
!buytf [amount of TF2 keys] same as !buy - for TF2 keys.
!buyonetf [amount of TF2 keys] same as !buyone - for TF2 keys.
Steam gems commands Function
!buygems [amount of cards sets] same as !buy - for Steam gems.
!buyonegems [amount of cards sets] same as !buyone - for Steam gems.
Selling commands Function
!sellcheck show current buying rate and information about sets you can sell to the BOT.
!sell [amount of CS:GO keys] use to sell sets your cards sets for CS:GO keys.
!selltf [amount of TF2 keys] same as !sell - for TF2 keys.
!sellgems [amount of cards sets] same as !sell - for Steam gems.
4 years ago*

Closed 4 years ago.