I have...

[H] League of Legends EUNE 30 Account Gold1

I want...

[W] Offers

CSGO Keys, skins, paypal.

10 Rune Pages
All Champions ( Xayah missing but can be crafted )
Many skins. + ( D.J. Sona )
Add me for more info.
Name : Mr Bob Buttface

Aatrox - Justicar Aatrox
Ahri - Midnight Ahri
Alistar - Unchained, Infernal Alistar
Blitzcrank - Riot Blitzcrank
Draven - Soul Reaver Draven, Pool Party Draven
Elise - Victorious Elise
Ezreal - TPA Ezreal
Gnar - Gentleman Gnar
Hecarim - Arcade Hecarim
Irelia - Infiltrator Irelia
Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix
Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin
Maokai - Victorious Maokai
Morgana - Victorious Morgana
Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune
Nasus - Archduke Nasus
Nidalee - French Maid Nidalee
Poppy - Noxus Poppy,Battle Regalia Poppy ( all chroma ), Scarlet Hammer Poppy
Rammus - Freljord Rammus
Rengar - Headhunter Rengar
Rumble - Bilgerat Rumble
Shen - Surgeon Shen
Singed - Mad Scientist Singed
Sivir - Victorious Sivir
---SONA - DJ SONA---
Swain - Northern Front Swain
Taric - Bloodstone Taric
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana
Varus - Arclight Varus
Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne
Zed - Shockblade Zed

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.