I have...

Panoramical 50% OFF coupon
(until 7/27/2016)

I want...

$5 game

7 years ago*

The game is $9.99. Take 50% off with the coupon, the game costs $5. You want $5 in value in return for $5 off. Your price causes the coupon to be completely worthless.

Panoramical coupons were also given out en masse to Steam users. I just looked at 5 random friends and 3 of them have it and that's not including me (I also have it). There's a metric ton of them for free over on the group Coupon Dumpster. Literally, almost 30 of them are available just by requesting one in their forum or by asking one of the many people offering them for free in the game's forum.

Your coupon isn't even worth 1 card.

7 years ago*

+1 this
2 keys for coupon :D

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.