I have an extra copy of Frozen Endzone to trade.

I'm interested in Towerfall, or Infested Planet in exchange of it (I'm aware they are not really common as gifts, the idea here is to not use Paypal and offer a game equivalent instead, it's safer for everyone involved).

Feel free to propose equivalently priced games that I wouldn't own already (see my Steam profile).

Eventually, I can accept tf2 keys for it (since that seems to be more common around these parts).

1 decade ago*

Hi,would u be interested in a combination of games from here for frozen endzone.I know the game is worth more hence i willing to trade multiple games for it.I also have Risk of Rain(gift)[not mentioned in the list].Also what do u mean by no keys does it mean no game keys or no tf2/dota2/csgo keys?

1 decade ago

I have most of the games in your list, and not interested in the remaining ones, sorry :(

By no keys I meant mostly no tf2, etc. keys. Game keys could be, but in general I'll be more comfy trading Steam item for Steam item, hence the games I proposed as equivalent.

1 decade ago

Actually, I guess I could get tf2 keys, that seems to be more common on the trading market.

1 decade ago

Just wanted to say your profile pic rocks hard ;)

1 decade ago

Thanks :) Can't go wrong with Manny!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.